10 Homemade Ant Traps And Repellents To Try This Summer

By: Ashley Ziegler |

Seeing a few regular old ants outside isn’t a big deal (as long as they aren’t biting you!), but when tthey start coming inside, you’ll need to figure out how to get rid of ants, and fast. 

The good news is you can quickly get rid of these little pests. The better news is that you can do it with things you already have at home, so there’s no need to run to the store. 

Non-Toxic Spray 

Non-Toxic Spray 

If you’re looking for a good, effective DIY ant killer, The Soccer Mom Blog has your back. 

Her mixture of liquid dish soap, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and water will kill the ants and keep things safe for kids and pets inside the home. 

The Best Homemade Ant Killer (Kid & Pet Safe) by The Soccer Mom Blog

Red Pepper Flakes

Red Pepper Flakes

Red Pepper Flakes acts as a natural ant repellent (and they’re nice to have around for pizza nights, so it’s a win-win). 

Just sprinkle some of the flakes around areas where you see them coming in (cracks in the wall, around the doorway, etc.) and you’ll stop them in their tracks. 

Homemade Ant Killer Recipes & Tips by Tip Nut

Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice

Another great ant repellant is lemon juice. It can either be fresh or the kind you pick up from the store. 

You use this the same way you use red pepper flakes. Just saturate areas where ants try to come in and it will keep them out. 

Natural Solutions For Killing and Deterring Ants by Mother Nature Network

Borax and Sugar

Borax and Sugar

Sugar is a fantastic ant bait (who doesn’t love sugar?) so it’s a great way to lure them into a trap. 

Mix some sugar and Borax detergent together with some water to bait and kill the ants. It won’t take long for the rest of the colony to disappear, too. 

Homemade Ant Killer by Mom 4 Real

Ground Black Pepper

Ground Black Pepper

Ground black pepper is a safe and effective way to keep ants out of your house. 

Just sprinkle it around cracks, outside of doors, and around windows and stop ants from coming inside. 

Homemade Ant Killer Recipes & Tips by Tip Nut

Glass Cleaner & Dish Soap

Glass Cleaner & Dish Soap

According to Healthline, mixing together glass cleaner and liquid dish soap creates a solution that removes the “scented pheromone trail they leave behind when they walk” which brings the back to get more food later. 

Mix this solution up, and spray anywhere ants have previously come in to stop them from returning. 

Safe Ways To Kill Ants In Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals by Healthline

Baking Soda and White Vinegar

Baking Soda and White Vinegar

A mixture of baking soda and white vinegar is all you need to make an excellent DIY ant trap. 

First, sprinkle some of the baking soda on their anthill and then pour vinegar on top. It will trap them inside their colony and eventually kill them off. 

Natural Ways To Get Rid of Ants by Farmers Almanac 

Used Coffee Grounds

Used Coffee Grounds

All those leftover coffee grounds from your morning coffee now have a good purpose, to repell ants!

Sprinkle the coffee grounds around the floor, doors, and windows where ants come in to stop them in their tracks before entering your house. 

Homemade Ant Killer Recipes & Tips by Tip Nut

Boiling Water

Boiling Water

This might be the easiest solution to killing ants and ridding your yard of anthills. 

Just boil some water in a big pot and then walk outside and pour it on the anthill. Make sure you wear gloves and shoes when you do it so you don’t burn yourself. 

Safe Ways To Kill Ants In Your Home Without Toxic Chemicals by Healthline

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper

Apparently, ants aren’t too fond of spicy foods, because cayenne pepper is another natural repellant. 

Just like the other repellants, sprinkle this around the house to keep the ants outside where they belong. 

How to Get Rid of Ants Permanently Using Home Remedies by Organic Lesson


Finding a stray ant here and there in your house is no big deal, but when you start getting a whole trail of them, it’s time to do something about it. If you have pets, kids, or are just not comfortable with using chemicals to kill the ants, there are plenty of great natural ways to do it. 

Take a look inside your kitchen pantry because chances are good that you already have everything you need to get rid of ants that have made their way into your home.